General Statistics - hermanfor
Total Time Spent Online: 0 minutes.
Total Posts: 367 posts
Total Topics Started: 367 topics
Number of Polls Created: 0 polls
Number of Votes Cast: 0 votes
Posting Activity By Time
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Time of Day
Most Popular Boards By Posts Most Popular Boards By Activity
PC 32
General Anime Discussion 24
Microsoft 23
Nintendo 23
General Manga Discussion 23
TV Shows 20
Universal Entertainment 19
Sony 18
Movies 17
General Discussion 16
Microsoft 2.9870%
Movies 2.5111%
Nintendo 2.4838%
General Manga Discussion 2.2073%
PC 2.1136%
TV Shows 1.5835%
General Discussion 1.3457%
General Anime Discussion 1.2725%
Sony 1.2667%
Universal Entertainment 0.8870%
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